HPay Support

Tracking Payment Links with the Activity Query

Tracking Payment Links with the Activity Query

The Payment Link Activity Query tracks all links (payment and authorization) sent from your program during any day or date range. The same powerful grid tools are available that you see in other queries – such as sorting, filtering or grouping your data. Using this tool you can determine how many payment links were paid today or answer a variety of other important questions about your payments.

Click the Select ribbon tab at the top of your screen and choose HPay > Link Activity.
Result: The Payment Link Activity Base Query window opens.
Note: This query can also be added as a shortcut to your program’s side bar.

  1. Set a Date Range for your query by choosing the option Less Than or Equal ToGreater Than or Equal To, or Within Date Range, or choose a Relative Date Range for the query.
  2. Use the check boxes in the middle of the Payment Link Activity Base Query window to choose to include “Payment” links specifically, “Validate” links or “Authorize” links (links for a valid card that are also holding specific funds).
  3. Click the down arrow to the right of the Exclude Link Status field to have your query results exclude links that currently have a particular status (“Created”, “Initialized”, “Paid”, etc.).
  4. Click the down arrow to the right of the Include ONLY Link Activity field to have your query results INCLUDE only links that have had certain activity (“Link Expired”, “Link Payment (Completed)”, etc.).
  5. Click OK.
    Result: The Payments Made Query is generated.

Tip: The filters you establish in Steps 5 & 6 above affect the number that appears in parentheses to the right of your the Links Activity shortcut – either in your Select ribbon tab (as described in Step 1, above) or in your program’s side bar (see image below). For example, if you click the Include ONLY Link Activity option described in Step 6 above and choose “Link Payment (Completed)”, the number to the right of your Link Activity shortcut will count only those links for which payment is now complete. (Note that choosing to exclude all statuses except “Paid” in Step 5 above will not achieve the same result, because this query lists all ACTIVITY for links so the same link – that might currently have the statues of “Paid” – might be listed multiple times to show all of its activity.)