HPay Support

Tracking Hpay Payment Transactions

Tracking Hpay Payment Transactions

The HPay Transaction Query helps simplify you reconciliation of HPay payment transactions and more accurately anticipate your daily (or monthly) deposits.

  1. Click the Queries sidebar on the left-hand side of your screen.
  2. Click the HPay Transaction Query button.
    Result: The HPay Transaction Base Query window opens.
  1. Set a Date Range for your query by choosing the option Less Than or Equal ToGreater Than or Equal To, or Within Date Range, or choose a Relative Date Range for the query.
  2. In the Query Options section, use the checkboxes to choose to include transactions from EventsQuick OrdersGroup Bookings or any combination of the three.
    Note: You must choose at LEAST one of these options.
  3. [Optional] Click the check box next to Credit Card Payments Only to include only payments processed through HPay for credit cards.
  4. [Optional] Click the down arrow to the right of the Exclude Status field to exclude events with certain statuses from appearing in the query results.
  5. When finished, click OK.
    Result: The HPay Transaction Query is generated.