HPay Support

Refunding a Payment with HPay

Refunding a Payment with HPay
Any payment processed through our powerful HPay integration – whether done manually or via payment link – can be easily refunded.
  1. Pull up a record in either Event Manager, Quick Order Manager or Guestrooms Manager.
  2. Click the Payments Made button  in the tool bar along the right side of the manager screen. Result: The Payments window for that record appears.
  1. Select the specific payment to be refunded.
    Note: Successfully processed payments appear in green font on the Payments window, and are the only payments that can be refunded through HPay.
  2. Click the View/Edit Payment Details button  on the right side of the window.
    Result: The Payment Details window appears for the selected payment.
  3. Click the Credit Card tab on the left side of the Payment Details window.
  1. Click Refund Credit Card Charge at the bottom right of the Payment Details window and click Yes to confirm your choice.
    Result: The Refund window appears.
  2. Enter an amount for the refund (partial refunds are acceptable) and reason for the refund (“Mistake”, “Overcharge”, etc.) and click OK.
    Result: The refund is processed and a confirmation message appears.
    Note: Refund “reasons” is a customizable quickpick list under your control (see Customizing Quickpick Lists).
  3. Click OK to close the confirmation window and Cancel to close the Payment Details window
  4. [Optional] To see a list of all refunds for this event listed at the bottom of this Event Payments window, click the Show Credit Card Refunds button  at the center-right of the window.
    Note: The total amount paid, total refunds and net remaining payment amount will be listed at the top left of the Payments Window as soon as any refunds are processed.
Tip: Refunds can be processed up to 60 days after a payment has been received.