Setting Up HPay Payment Processing

Customizing the Payment Authorize Link Email

Customizing the Payment/Authorize Link Email
1. Enable HPay payment links as described in Enabling Payment/Authorization Links
2. At the bottom left of the HPay Setup window, click either the Payment Links or Authorize Links button.
3. At the bottom of the window, click the Customize Payment Link Invoice or Customize Authorize Link Email button.
Result: A "WYSIWYG" ("What You See Is What You Get") window appears for you to edit the email template.
4. Edit the following sections of the email template as desired:
  • Title/Company Information
    Click the Edit Title button Edit Title Button at the top right of the window to edit the Title/Company Information text area (top left) of the email. This area allows for a maximum of 100 characters of text, and does not allow for line breaks (hard returns).
  • Logo
    Click the Logo button Logo Button along the top of the window and then click the matching button at the top right to choose an image to act as the logo for your email.
  • Clicking the Text Button
    Click the Text button Text Button at the top of the window to switch this section back from an image to text.
  • Edit Notes
    Click the Edit Notes button Edit Notes Button at the top right to edit the notes section.
5. Edit the following sections of the email template as desired:
When finished, click Save at the bottom right of the window to save your changes.
Note: You can also make one-time-only edits to individual payment/authorize link emails as you send them