HPay Support

Generating the HPay Sales Summary Report

Generating the HPay Sales Summary Report

This report offers up to four different sections related to sales and payment activity for a date or date range: a breakdown of all sales revenue by revenue type; a breakdown of all taxes by revenue type; a breakdown of payments by payment method; and a list of all individual payment transactions.

Tip: As an option, click the checkbox labeled Close After Printing at the bottom left of the tool to have this window close automatically as soon as your report has been printed.

  1. Click the Reports ribbon tab at the top of the screen.
  2. Click the HPay button and choose Sales Summary.
    Result: The HPay Sales Summary parameters window opens.
  1. Set a Date Range for your report by choosing the option Less Than or Equal ToGreater Than or Equal ToWithin Date Range, or choose a Relative Date Range for the report.
  2. [Optional] Change the title of the report by highlighting the words “HPay Sales Summary” and typing directly into the field.
  3. In the Include In Report section, click the check box next to any records (EventsQuick Orders or Group Bookings) for which you want details to appear on this report.
    Note: You must choose at LEAST one of these options. If you choose more than one, the Separate Payment Type option is enabled at the bottom of the parameter window allowing you to have payments for each “type” (Events, Quick Orders, Group Bookings) sorted together in the Payment Transactions list at the bottom of the report.
  4. [Optional] Click the down arrow to the right of the Exclude Status or Exclude Quick Order Status field and select any event or quick order statuses you would like excluded from your query.
    Note: Placing a check in a box causes the tool to exclude records with that status from your results.
  5. In the Options section at the bottom of the parameters window, choose whether or not to include any of the following sections on the report:
    • Show Sales by Revenue Type
      Includes a section breaking down all sales revenue for the date range by revenue type (“Food”, “Beverage”, etc.).
    • Show Tax Breakdown by Revenue Type
      Includes a breakdown showing tax revenue for the date range by revenue type (“Food”, “Beverage”, etc.).
    • Show Payments by Payment Method
      Includes a section breaking down all payments by method of payment (“Credit Card”, “Check”, etc.).
    • Show Payment Transactions
      Includes a section at the bottom of the report listing all payment transaction details for the date range.
      Note: This section can either show “General” details or “Credit Card Information” (see Step 9, below), and can optionally sort records for each payment type (Events, Quick Orders, Group Bookings) separately (see Step 5, above).
  6. If showing the list of payment transactions (see bullet above), click the down arrow under Group By and choose to group that list by a specific detail.
  7. If showing the list of payment transactions, use the Report Layout section to choose a “General” layout (including general payment details such as payment Category, event Business Type and User who processed the payment) or a “Credit Card Information” layout (including such things as Credit Card Status, Card Holder, Card Type, last four of Card Number and Approval Code.)
  8. When finished, click OK.
    Result: The HPay Sales Summary Report is generated, incorporating the parameters you established.