Processing Authorized Payments

Processing an Authorized Amount on a Card

Processing an Authorized Amount on a Card
  1. Pull up a record in either Event Manager, Quick Order Manager or Guestrooms Manager.
  2. Access the Credit Cards on File window in one of the following ways:
    • Click the Authorized Credit Cards button  in the tool bar along the right side of the manager screen. Note: If the Authorized Credit Cards button is not available in the tool bar, see Customizing the Tools Menu and Tools Bar. As an option, you can display the
    • Double-click the yellow icon  in the Authorized Credit Card column of the manager’s grid. Note: To display the Authorized Credit Card column, click the Quick Column Customizing button  at the top left of the grid (see Working with Grids.) If the icon is black , the card on file has not been authorized for a specific amount; if there is no icon, no card has been authorized for that record.
  1. Select the authorized card you wish to process, click the Tools button at the top left of the window and choose Process Payment.
    Result: The Authorize window appears.
    Important Note: The amount indicated in this window will default to the balance due of the event. See Step 4, below, to adjust if desired.

  2. [Optional] Click the Switch button to the right of the Amount field to switch the amount to this card’s authorized amount or click in the Amount field and enter an amount at random.
    Result: The authorized amount (or any custom amount you enter) is filled into the Amount field.

  1. Click in the Description field and type an optional description for this payment.

  2. Click Yes to post the payment.