HPay Support

Posting a Payment with a Validated Card

Posting a Payment with a Validated Card

Payments for events, quick orders or even group rooms contracts can be processed directly using HPay – whether using a card on file with an existing contact person or using a unique card and even a unique payment individual. These payments can be made individually or in batch. (See Processing Multiple Payments in Batch.)

  1. Pull up a record in either Event Manager, Quick Order Manager or Guestrooms Manager.
  2. Click the Payments Made button  in the tool bar along the right side of the manager screen. Result: The Payments window for that record appears.
  3. Click the Add Payment button  at the right side of the Payments window. Result: The Payment Details window appears.
  4. Enter payment details as desired.
  5. Click Process Credit Card at the top right of the Payment Details window and click Yes when prompted to save changes. Result: The Process Credit Card Transaction window appears.
  1. At the bottom of the window, select the validated credit card you wish to use for payment. Note: Validated cards have a black check mark icon  to the left of them; cards on file for a customer have a small person icon  next to them.
  2. Click OK to process the payment using the selected card.